
The strength to raise children comes from learning to lift them up.

Children with engaged fathers are four times less likely to live in poverty.


A father's commitment becomes a child's courage to brave the world.

When fathers are present, children are more likely to avoid promiscuous behavior.


Tough job. Long hours. Big Investment. Huge benefits.

Children with supportive fathers are 40% less likely to abuse drugs and alcohol.


Supporting a family starts with building a solid foundation.

The presence of a supportive father makes children 80% less likely to spend time in jail.


Do you sometimes feel you are traveling with no roadmap?

Children with involved fathers have higher self-esteem and show fewer signs of depression.

The Father Factor

To your kids, you’re a provider, a protector and a role model. You’re the support they need to thrive.

Some days, you have it handled. Others, you may feel like you’re traveling alone without a map.

We understand and we can help.

Working together, we can draw the map that gets you where you want to be. Being a great father. Being your best. Every day.

Fatherhood Programs

The South Carolina Center for Fathers and Families guides and supports 6 Fatherhood Organizations across the state.

Every year, we help thousands of fathers regain or remain a positive presence in their kids’ lives.

We assist in setting a plan uniquely designed for every father.

We Support Fathers
in the areas of
  • Health

  • Economics

  • Relationships

Our programs are offered free of charge. All you need is the commitment.

Find A Program


A Father's Place www.afathersplace.org

Counties Served

Allendale, Beaufort, Berkeley, Charleston, Colleton, Dorchester, Georgetown, Hampton, Horry, Jasper, Williamsburg

Administration Office (Horry County)
1800 Racepath Avenue
Conway, SC 29527

Phone: 843.488.2923

North Charleston (Charleston County)
5675 Woodbine Avenue
North Charleston, SC 29406

Phone: 843.744.2126

Georgetown (Georgetown County)
107-A Queen Street
Georgetown, SC 29440

Phone: 843.488.2923

Moncks Corner (Berkeley County)
255 N. Hwy 52
Moncks Corner, SC 29461

Phone: 843.761.5013


A Father's Way www.afatherswaysc.org

Counties Served

Chester, Lancaster, York, Union


Man 2 Man www.man2manfathers.com

Counties Served

Chesterfield, Darlington, Dillon, Florence, Marion, Marlboro


Midlands Fatherhood Coalition www.midlandsfathers.com

Counties Served

Aiken, Bamberg, Barnwell, Calhoun, Clarendon, Edgefield, Fairfield, Kershaw, Lee, Lexington, McCormick, Newberry, Orangeburg, Richland, Saluda, Sumter


Upstate Fatherhood Coalition www.upstatefathers.org

Counties Served

Abbeville, Anderson, Cherokee, Greenwood, Greenville, Laurens, Oconee, Pickens, Spartanburg


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Why It Matters

A father's presence encourages independence, confidence and achievement.

When both parents are closely involved, babies and toddlers are better able to grasp the skills they need to learn and grow.

Decades of research have proven that when a father is engaged, he directly contributes to the success of his children.

Get The Facts

23% of children live in father-absent homes (More than 17 million children in America)

When Fathers Are Absent

71%of all high school dropouts come from father-absent homes

90% of all homeless/runaway children

63% of all youth suicides

71% experience early parenthood/teen pregnancy

When Fathers Are Involved

60% less likely to be expelled from school

2x's more likely to go to college

75% less likely to experience teen pregnancy

80% less likely to spend time in jail

Your past doesn't have to be their future. Or yours.

US Census Bureau
American Institutes For Research


Hear program participants discuss how fatherhood has impacted them and their family.

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